
Half Marathon Training Starts TODAY

Last year I ran my first Indianapolis Mini Marathon (which is a half-marathon: 13.1 miles). Despite feeling like I was going to die and not finish from miles 10-12, I signed up again. After the Mini, I really didn't run a whole lot and don't think I have ran over 5 miles since...Today, I started training for the 2011 Mini. Not to mention, I'm getting married in July and one of my goals is to lose 20 lbs for the wedding and to keep it off until we go to Jamaica in October. I'm thinking that training and losing weight will go hand in hand, right?? Last year, I think I lost like 8 lbs while training. I workout 4-6 times a week and you would think I would be fit & trim....I also LOVE to eat & drink..I have told people that I workout so hard so I can eat. Anyway, I'm focused on being in better running shape this year than last and hopefully not feeling so bad during those last few miles and not getting so burned out after the race. Plus losing weight and looking the best I possibly can when I walk down the aisle is all the motivation I need. So today, I officially started training.... 2 miles....just have to work up to 10+. More blog posts on my running progress to come......

1 comment:

MaybeLater said...


I was just talking to John about this years Mini a few weeks ago. Last year was my first and I will be back this year! I am looking forward to the Mini and your wedding. Hope everything is going well with work.

Joel Sheets